August 22, 1966

At the Biomechanics Symposium in Zurich, August 22, 1966, some 25 of the members were available for a business meeting. They decided on a more formal structure and authorized an interim executive board consisting of J. Basmajian (President), B. Jonsson (Secretary), and S. Carlsøø (Treasurer). The other members of the board included J.E. Pauly, M. Hebbelink (Belgium) and T. Tokizane (Japan). J. Basmajian, as interim president was asked to organize a first international meeting in Montreal, Canada, in 1968 and to prepare plans for a formal society. Later T. Simard was recruited to assist as local program organizer, and, having moved to Montreal, H. Ladd also began to work on the conference.

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